Due to opening our Second Location in Greece NY in August, Workshops are very light for the summer—HOWEVER…..stay tuned for our fall line up. Because… they are going to knock your socks off! For instance:
September 13, 2012 (Thursday)- GET YOUR FRENCH ON! French Typography Painting Class
Starting at 11amCOST $80
“GET YOUR FRENCH ON” Workshop ~ French Typography Painting Class
This class is focused on using Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan.
You bring in a painted piece of furniture (painted with Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan) Piece should have a fairly flat surface where detailing will be done. (piece must be approved prior by The Purple Painted Lady) The Purple Painted Lady will supply the tools and materials to create something like the images below (but perhaps on a smaller scale in regards to scope.) The Purple Painted Lady will share her tips & tricks, like how she accommodates for curves on the perimeter of the drawers, which brushes are best, how to optimize the placement and size of decorative image.
Workshop cost is $80 and it covers studio time, materials and instruction.
A large selection of French Designs and Typography provided to choose from- similar in size so maintain balance of project scope among all in the class.. For a small fee- image can be customized. Detailing will be completed in one color and a sample pot of the Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan you selected will be provided as a gift for you to take home.
Again, this class is focused on using Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan.
CLASS SIZE: This class capacity would be for a maximum of 4 people and a minimum of 2- exceptions may be made based on my schedule- however, this would not set a precedent.
DURATION: 4 hours (could go a little longer dependent on your ability) Additional studio time can be purchased for work not completed in the duration of the class- based on the approval & schedule of The Purple Painted Lady.
COST: Pricing for the 4 hour workshop is $80.00 per person- paid in full at time of reservation. Pricing includes all materials- including a sample pot of Chalk Paint™ to take home and instruction to transform your piece.
If interested in inquiring – please email me at takuntzATrochester.rr.com (please use the @ sign where I have AT in that email address) and NOTE “GET YOUR FRENCH ON” in the subject.