The Purple Painted Lady has a very dear friend named Michael. Michael and Trish have never met in person, but through the magic of the internet and their shared love for painting and creating- they found one another.
Michael has an amazing business called Lizzie White Vintage Chic. He named his business after his very special grandmother.
He will often tell people, “No, I am not Lizzie White! I got my business name from my grandmother, who’s name was Elizabeth White Herrmann. I also got any bit of talent I may have from her, and my grandfather, Robert, or as I called him, “Pop Pop”!The best grandparents a kid could ever have! Lizzie taught me about antiques, furniture, sewing, cooking, interior design, mixing color and pattern – she had such style! Pop Pop taught me how to restore and finish antiques, how to paint, build things, work in the garden, and so much more! I learned all of these wonderful things as a child, and they have stayed with me all of my life!”
Now, isn’t that the sweetest thing you have ever heard?! If you are on Facebook click HERE to visit his page- you will not be disappointed that you did!
Lizzie White Vintage Chic is constantly pushing the envelope and creating, one of a kind pieces.
Check out this table’s “before & after” using Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan.

Michael created this unique piece by:
1. First he stripped the top since he wanted the wood grain to show through. He felt the mahogany was just too dark for the look he was going for.
2. So, as he calls it, he “stained” the top using Old Ochre Chalk Paint®. Old Ochre is the color of bleached muslin. He thinned it with water and then brushed it on, and then immediately- wiped it with a damp sea sponge to get uiformity.

3. Next, he drew on the artwork for the center of the table. He used a #2 pencil…(naughty Michael!) …because if you ask The Purple Painted Lady – she will recommend using a water color pencil , just to be safe so the lead in the pencil does not smudge into lighter color paints. In Michael’s case- he was fine since he outlined it in a dark color.

4. Then, Michael painted the starburst using the colors Graphite and Old White and a dash of Provence. Graphite is the color of dark slate. It has a depth to it and it is a ‘
“cool” slate grey/charcoal color. It can sometimes reflect a blueish hue. And well, Old White is the quintessential color. We believe it is the most popular colors in Annie Sloan’s pallette! It is a soft white that has a ver, very light touch of yellow to it.

Once the painting was done and all of it was dry, Michael sanded the top using 320 grit sandpaper.
He finished the table with two coats of Annie’s Clear Wax. A day or so later- he buffed the whole table top.

We really love the pieces that Lizzie White Vintage Chic creates. Check out their Facebook page. Show Michael some love by liking his page and let him know, The Purple Painted Lady sent you. I think you will be impressed with his originality!
As for buying any of the products we mentioned earlier in this post- I hope that you select The Purple Painted Lady to be your one stop resource!
Now- let’s be honest- there are many places to buy from- what sets us apart is WHY we are here.
And the answer to that question- is that we are here to help you, our customers! We want you to be successful! And, just so you know, when you place an order with The Purple Painted Lady:
* If you order before 3pm EASTERN TIME anyday Monday thru Friday – we will ship out your package that same day.
* We ship orders out every sincle week day all over the US.
* We offer the lowest flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same.
* We have awesome follow up customer service, too!
And- it is my paint sales that keep me in business and allow me to be here to help you. (my shameless but honest plug) Here is a link to our on-line shop=>
: ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience!Lastly- if I was helpful to you- ….please consider leaving a positive review on my Facebook business page sharing your positive experience or thoughts about The Purple Painted Lady. Here is a link to my Facebook page=> This really helps me! (wink, wink!)