Florence Chalk Paint®

The Purple Painted Lady loves what Indigo Tones did with their Chalk Paint®!<p>
Kerry owns a business called Indigo Tones in Pittsford, NY. Kerry is a personal color analyst and color is her life! <p>
Kerry decided to repaint her dining room table to freshen it up. Below is her table BEFORE she started her project.<p>

Kerry’s favorite color is Florence. In fact ~ on a side note, she said if you are shopping for an outfit- Florence is the one color that will universally look good on anyone, no matter their skin tone. <p>
Back to the table though – after Florence was painted, Kerry added some dimension by color washing and hard brushing on some Arles and Provence…….finishing off with dark wax.<p>
Arles is a beautiful sunflower – golden yellow.<p>
Provence and Florence are similar colors. But Provence reminds me of the color of a Tiffany jewelry box and Florence is more of the patina color you get from copper.<p>

Kerry’s goal was to create the same rich tones from the tole trays in the background and I think she got it.……. She also loves the way the wax softens everything.<p>

If you are interested in staying touch with The Purple Painted Lady- visit our Facebook page HERE – we would LOVE to hear from you and see your before & after photos!
First- if you have a local stockist- go visit them and build a relationship with them. Go to them with your questions and project issues. BUT- if you do not have a local stockist- we invite you to try our customer service!
As for buying any of the products we mentioned earlier in this post- I hope that you select The Purple Painted Lady™ to be your one stop resource! We have two locations in western NY. Check out our Information tab and come and meet us! Otherwise- if you are not located near me- the following information may apply to you. This information is directed to those who do NOT have a local stockist. Because if you do – go and meet them, shop from them and build a relationship with them. The guidance, information and knowledge they share with you – will be invaluable. But, if you are in a location where there is no one selling paint products- and you must buy on-line- consider us. With that said, visit www.anniesloan.com to find a stockist near you.
We are here to help you, our customers! We want you to be successful! And, just so you know, when you place an order with The Purple Painted Lady:
* We sell Chalk Paint® for $34.95
* If you order before 3 pm EASTERN TIME any day Monday thru Friday – we will ship out your package that SAME day.
* We ship orders out every since week day all over the US.
* We offer the lowest flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same.
* We have awesome follow up customer service, too!
And- it is my paint sales that keep me in business and allow me to be here to help you. (my shameless but honest plug) Here is a link to our on-line shop=>
: ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience!Lastly- if I was helpful to you- ….please consider leaving a positive review on my Facebook business page sharing your positive experience or thoughts about The Purple Painted Lady. Here is a link to my Facebook page=>
http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Purple-Painted-Lady/291882785710 This really helps me! (wink, wink!)
The Purple Painted Lady™ ~ the serial no. is 86/641,416 with the US Trademark Office
our MAIN STORE at 77 West Main Street in Macedon, NY 14502

3200 West Ridge Road in Rochester, NY 14626 (The Shops On West Ridge)