The state of California back in 1986 passed Proposition 65. This has been an on going regulation since 1986 that changes and revises and that requires even Starbucks to post this sign because of the way coffee beans are roasted. I found this article on the Bloomberg Opinion website about how this Proposition 65 Consumer Warning- applies to coffee on case you would like to check it out. Click HERE
Effective August 30, 2018, all Chalk Paint® retailers in the state of California need to hang a sign in their window. In addition, any retailer with an online store should print and include a copy of the attachment in all shipments to consumers in the state of California.
This warning will also effect General Finishes products too.
The difficulty is that – like all government regulation it is very confusing to understand. In one part of the regulation, it states, “small brick and mortar businesses with less than 10 employees may not need to.” Then, they say it’s a good idea but then caution not to unless absolutely necessary. So, which is it?
Either way- we will publich a notice to go in to packages but keep in mind before you panic, that the Crystalline-silica that is found in calcium carbonate which is used in our products- is also found in sand. Sand that the earth created and that is on the beach near ocenas and lakes. So, when you visit a beach in California you may see the Prop 65 warning also!
You can also read more about Proposition 65 at this website HERE or HERE
For General Finishes products- The “Warnings” are specific for each product (see attachment) HERE