Annie Sloan’s Bookazine, Colourist 6 is available starting today, May 27, 2021!

This Bookazine is one of my favorites, full of color inspiration! This issue really gives it respects to Capri Pink!
We cannot wait for you to get in your hands….and in your head. Oh, the pieces you will paint from the seeds that will be painted!

Save all your bookazines and put them on your bookshelf with the spines facing out…. you will see a gorgeous array of colors in how Annie strategically designed the covers. Eventually, there will be an issue, dedicated to every color in her gorgeous Chalk Paint® suite.
#colourist6 #anniesloan #bookazine6 #capripink #amytangerine #amytaninspirationalist #thepurplepaintedlady #hotoffthepress