To get back to the HOME page- click up above on The Purple Painted Lady banner. (If you would like to hear the music I love to paint to…scroll all the way down to initiate the playlist)
Get to know me….First and foremost, I LOVE TO PAINT! My name is Tricia Migliore Kuntz, and I am the proprietress of The Purple Painted Lady. I am an upstate – Rochester New York native and I am very fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom. I ALSO am very fortunate to get to do something that I am passionate about – PAINTING! I paint murals and decorative furniture. I also am the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Stockist for New York!
Here is some background about me…. I am very fortunate to be married (August 29, 2003!) to my best friend Steve (yep, he is the handsome, TALL guy in that wedding photo.)
We have a crazy – funny – beautiful little girl named Danni. She is my most proudest accomplishment and compared to all that I have painted- my one true masterpiece! She will turn 7 years old next month and no
matter how much time goes by….she amazes me daily. She was born 13 weeks EARLY (YES- that is correct- over 3 months PREMATURE. She was the tiniest baby I had ever seen in my life and hopefully- will ever see in my life! (I wish that no one would ever go through that experience!) Danni weighed only 1 lb 15 oz and was literally- 14 inches long. My little warrior spent only 54 days in the Strong Memorial Hospital’s NICU. THIS WAS THE SCARIEST EXPERIENCE STEVE & I HAVE EVER HAD IN OUR LIVES) The photo of her to the left shows a bit how tiny she was…if you were to take a 12 inch ruler….it would have basically been the length of her body! Danni – my hero – proved to me MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! And no matter how sappy this may sound ~ it is my true honor in this life, to be her mom! I will never take for granted the miracle of life and just how precious it truly is and how it is a privilege to be a parent! All the money & success in the world would never amount to a smidge of the happiness she gives to me. I love being here to see her on the bus, making sure to send her off with a positive comment- so in her little head she is on the best mindset to take on her world. And I love being here when she is done with school to get her off her bus. I will NEVER regret leaving corporate America in order to have this time with her- especially since the time seems to be going by so very, very fast!

NOW....Me and my beautiful daughter
Steve, Danni and I all live in a big OLD country Victorian farmhouse that was built in 1885. The house is white with various hues of purple, and is otherwise known as a “Painted Lady”. My business started out of our home – thus the name “The Purple Painted Lady.”

Our home
We have almost 20 acres and if you can believe this – this self-proclaimed “city girl” even has some “fancy” chickens (ONLY 43 of them – Ha! I know- a bit crazy, but they do get addicting to own.) My chickens (42 spoiled hens) lay blue, green, and brown shelled eggs (Araucanas, Buff Brahmas, Barred Rocks, Cochin, Cuckoo Marans, Silver Laced Wyandottes, Delawares and some other crazy hybrids). I had 2 Rottweilers entering the year 2010 (my favorite breed- but love all all dogs) – however, Zeus MY HANDSOME puppy (my FIRST BABY!) who I got when he was 8 weeks old, and would have been 11 yrs. old on 4/17/2010 – very sadly I write that he passed on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 (time flew way too fast with him and I MISS HIM SO MUCH!)
If you ask me about him- I will always tear up because he was such a wonderful friend to me….my loyal companion! I got him in my 20’s and lost him in 40’s….I was probably a bit co-dependent on him- but wouldn’t change a thing and am a better person because of him!) I am fortunate though that another Rottweiller came into our family 4 years ago and now I understand why- to help heal my lonely broken heart after losing Zeus. Ms. Molly – an 8 year old, sweet, NOT-so little lady who has the most ferocious bark! And then–on December 4th, 2010 a “little” 15 month old Rottweiler named Nikko found his way into my life and wormed his way into my heart. So, very surprisingly- I left 2010 with 2 Rottweilers and a heart not so hollow.
We also have 2 cats, a bunny, clown fish, Karlie’s turtle, and a leopard gecko. Someday…. perhaps we will get some FEMALE sheep (we had rams but they were too aggressive) or maybe, some goats! Yep (farmer slang for “yes”) – call me Mrs. Doolittle – a title proud to receive since YES- we are crazy! Primarily, our goal is to create the most magical Willy Wonka-like wonderful – HEALTHY environment for our daughter to grow up in! Yes – we probably protect her from the world more so than others, but don’t you think the innocence from your childhood was priceless? Why not make it last as long as possible for her! So, we do not watch the evening news anymore because hearing about another murder or house fire is not what I want her to think or worry about. She will have plenty of time to ponder the meaning of life and be stressed out later when she is older. : )
Painting focus…. I paint decorative furniture, sell Annie Sloan Chalk Paint & Products, and paint murals in homes/businesses. My path to this point has been interesting. I have always loved art- drawing, painting, and obsessive over my Crayola Crayons ever since I was a little girl. In high school- way back in time, I won 1st place at the Sibley’s Scholastic Art Awards (do you remember the department store called Sibley’s that use to be in downtown Rochester?) I also won the Rochester Sesquicentennial Poster Contest (oh- another long time ago) and had the honor to meet the late Ramón Santiago!!!! I considered going to college for art – but instead decided to twist the creativity edge and go for Mechanical Engineering (Design/Drafting.) But that didn’t mean I stopped loving colors, painting, and drawing!!!
I eventually painted murals for myself and family, till other people started requesting me to paint for them. Please do not think that I lack professionalism in my technique since I do not have a B.A. in Fine Art. I truly believe you cannot teach a person to be creative- it is either within or it is not. With the support of my husband, who told me when encouraging me to paint full-time that I am most happy when I am painting- this chapter of my life officially began! (AND I AM SO GRATEFUL TO THAT WONDERFUL MAN- who I am very fortunate to have as my life partner!!!)
What can I do for you?……..So, from there- my path lead me to HERE! My little shop is located at 208 East Main Street in Palmyra, New York. Stop in or call me- I can assist YOU from start to finish when redecorating – beginning with creative ideas, furniture placement, color schemes and blending, to the actual whole room execution! I love to resurrect old wood furniture – giving a piece new life with paint! I love seeing a retired – forgotten piece be transformed by paint into the most favorite piece in a home.
Credentials….. I am a 2008, 2009 AND 2010 Homearama muralist — (2008 Rochester’s Homearama @ Magnolia Manor sponsored by @Home Builders and Somerset Hill, Homearama 2009 that was held in July sponsored by Gerber Homes, and THE ONLY 2010 Homearama Muralist for Concal Builders at the WaterSong development.) I have also painted for the Rochester Ronald McDonald House, the University of Rochester Strong Behavioral Health, Adult Ambulatory Clinic, The Little Gym in Perinton and for Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester. I painted all 4 party rooms and the main entrance at Bounce It Out located on Monroe Avenue in Pittsford. If you are visiting my website to check out some of my painting, perhaps something might catch your eye. Shoot me a note and let me know your thoughts. I love meeting people! God bless to you and your family and live a happy life- it is much too short for anything less!!!! (I originally wrote this post while listening to my 5 year old giggle in her bedroom – almost 2 years ago while she was suppose to be sleeping! What a wonderful life I have!!!)
There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart…so PURSUE THOSE! And lastly- …black and white can be dull – so….LIVE IN COLOR!
And for those of you who actually scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the page….here are some photos of the MAGICAL place I call home!