The Purple Painted Lady 5th Annual Barn Sale Junk Jubilee- September 26, 2015 from 10 – 5pm

Hope you will save the date for us! We are hosting our 5th annual Barn Sale Junk Jubilee on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 from 10 – 5pm.
Barn Sale 2015 Chalk Paint Logo The purple Painted Lady

LOCATION: The home of The Purple Painted Lady

845 Yellow Mills Road, Palmyra NY 14522

Because this is our home- this is a non-smoking event.

Barn Sale 2014 Directions with curve in road

Come and enjoy a day in the country at this great artsy event. Classic Rock Band, Chicken dinner BBQ from noon till 3pm, Farmer’s Market, Bakers, Wood Craftsmen, Furniture Painters, Handmade Clothing, Wineries, Maple Syrup, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® Demos, Handmade Goat Milk Soap (meet the goats!), Glass Blowing, Stationary, Metal Art, Free Raffles….You Name it- We Will Have It!

Everyone is welcome to come – NO INVITE necessary- but if you RSVP on are Facebook Event Page you will be kept on announcements: Click HERE to visit the EVENT Page

The Show Goes On…… RAIN OR SHINE!

This event besides being fantastic- is a benefit! The Palmyra-Macedon Rotary, the volunteer Fire Department from South Macedon and the Boy Scouts, Venturing Crew 313 will be just some of the organizations that receive 100% of the money raised.

As for the RAFFLE …..every artist has donated a piece of their work that will be given away. Local Venture Crew 313 is managing the raffle- and they will be hosting a blanket drive for the local food cupboard to provide families in need with sources of warmth and comfort for the upcoming winter. Bring a gently used blanket to the barn sale to donate and get a FREE raffle ticket!! You name it – we will have it!

PRINT THIS FREE RAFFLE TICKET AND BRING WITH YOU …one per customer! (and NOT necessary to enter!)

Barn Sale 2015 Chalk Paint Logo The purple Painted Lady RAFFLE 2015

The Barn Sale & Junk Jubilee will be held on Saturday, September 26th from 10 to 5pm at our home in Macedon on 20 acres with 10 acres dedicated to off road parking. (NO Parking permitted on the street due to safety.)

What’s up with a PARKING FEE?:

We have doubled the parking lot and guarantee solid ground to drive on! Look for the great volunteers from the Palmyra Macedon Rotary who will be directing traffic. (see map below with directions- we are EASY to find!!!) Again- this is a benefit and the parking is $5. 100% OF THAT MONEY goes right back into helping the community, but feel free to drive a bus here and maximize that $5 fee. The Rotary has over 20 volunteers who work ALL day to earn this money and then they turn around and re-invest that in it.


There is a $1 entrance fee to the Barn Sale Junk Jubilee, and again 100% OF THAT MONEY will go the charitable organization which is the volunteer Fire Department from South Macedon.

All 80 vendors will be donating a creation worth $30- and raffles will be held every hour on the hour this year! We will be sharing a FREE printable Raffle Ticket here and on our Facebook page as we get closer to the event.

The Purple Painted Lady will be giving away a quart of Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan and a tin of wax and Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint (alternating) every hour too!~ Look for the “Raffle Booth” which will be located near the entrance to the sale this year! We have the Boy Scouts, Venturing Crew 313 managing the raffle- and all sales from raffle tickets will go directly to their troop.

We will have a chicken dinner barbeque, wineries, a micro-brewery, farmer’s market and an incredible selection of artists joining us to make this day amazing for you!


Again – this event is happening at my home on Saturday, September 26th from 10 to 5 at my HOME – located at 845 Yellow Mills Road, Palmyra NY 14522. See map above.

Just a reminder that everyone get’s ONE FREE raffle ticket and since EVERY artist has donated something – you can inexpensively buy more raffle tickets there too!

Barn Sale 2014 Directions with curve in road


We have only about 20 spaces left for our 4th Annual The Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale Junk Jubilee happening on Saturday, September 26th, 2014 from 10 – 5pm. (Set up is the day prior) Our business Facebook page recently hit over 15,000 followers. This event will be advertised in the messenger post papers, 585 magazine, Rochester Woman magazine and all of the news channels and D&C. We are looking for unique artists (no catalog/distribution businesses and we are closed out for jewelry artists.) If you are interested- there is a $40 vendor fee and you receive a 10 X 10 outdoor space. You supply your own tent/tables/and whatever else you need. Think “Fairport Canal Days.” We average over 4000 people in a 7 hour period. Please contact Trish at Title your email “I want to be a 2014 Barn Sale Vendor”…and in the body of the email, include:

* Your full name, address, and phone
* Business name (if you have one)
* Description of what you make and plan to sell
* A photo or two of your items
* Do you have a Business Facebook page or website? Please provide that.

Thanks so much!

Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale house

Why Buy Chalk Paint® From The Purple Painted Lady?

Click HERE to access our on-line store to buy Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan, Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint or Artisan Enhancements products.

If you are considering ordering any of the above products on-line- here are 6 attributes that set The Purple Painted Lady apart from other options.

1. Our Level of Customer Service:
If you are a customer of ours…..when it comes to customer service- The Purple Painted Lady will go above and beyond.
That means if you have a question in the middle of your project, something is not turning out the way you expected it to or are looking for some advice on how to approach your project- all you need to do is call me! Yep, that’s right! By purchasing from The Purple Painted Lady- you get a “Chalk Paint® Concierge” if you will! Or- if you are using any other product that we sell- do not hesitate to contact me for help.

Just type my digits into your phone- and voila- you get a real person to talk to. (And yes- it will probably be me, Trish ~ The Purple Painted Lady!) 585.750.6056 My phone number is also noted on every piece of paper that accompanies your package to make it easy for you to find my contact information. (did you ever order something from a place and then you get it- and there is no contact information included on anything? That so annoys me. Thus why my phone number is on everything!)

And- since it seems many of our customers have “9-5 jobs” and are evening or weekend warriors- the probability of you having a problem after most shops are closed for the day can be pretty high. Since you cannot tell your wet paint to “hold on” and wait till the following day to dry till you can speak to someone – having a source that offers customer service that is almost 24X7 can be pretty helpful. (I do ask however, that if it is after 10pm Eastern Time, please email or text me) But by placing your order through me- The Purple Painted Lady, all you need to do is give me a call and mention your order number (and yes- I do check my ordering system) At that point- I am all yours! 585.750.6056

2. The Purple Painted Lady sells Chalk Paint® and all other Annie Sloan products at the lowest price we can legally sell them for based on our contract:
What does this mean to you? It means you should feel assured that you got the best deal possible when purchasing from The Purple Painted Lady.

3. The Purple Painted Lady Always Has EVERYTHING In Stock:
In one of my past lives- I was a software consultant for a Supply Chain company. What does “Supply Chain” mean? Basically, it means the management of goods through the whole cycle from distributor to you, the end customer. You want this flow to move without stops or bottlenecks or more importantly, delays! My focus in this past life was to help Fortune 500 companies (like Cisco, Subaru, Dell Computers, HP, Canadian Department of Defense to name a few) strategically forecast so they always had the right part in stock. I took this experience and apply it to how I run my business and manage inventory. But what does this mean to you? (see Item 3 Below)

4. SAME DAY Shipping:
If you place an order- be confident in knowing that The Purple Painted Lady has everything in stock! What does this mean in the end? With the team we have in place- your order ships the same day as you placed it. (note however, this is as long as your order came in before UPS picked up our packages)

5. Awesome Instructions Are Included With Your Products:
Have you ever ordered product from a business and are all excited to receive it, then your package arrives and all that is in it is a quart of paint. You ask yourself, “what do i do now?” Well, when purchasing through The Purple Painted Lady every package goes out with 2 page instructions on the products you just bought. Why do we do this? Because the money you spend on your order- you worked hard for. We want you to get every single ounce of fabulous functionality out of the products we ship to you. We also want you to use the product correctly the FIRST time you try them!

6. We Offer The Lowest Flat Rate Shipping!:
Our low, flat rate shipping costs are strategically based on the amount of money you spend- NOT the weight or the distance between you and I. That means if you are 2 towns away or 15 states away- the shipping is the same. And just an FYI- the UPS cost you pay- is LESS because of our discounted rate from UPS based on the volume we do. We pass our savings on to you. I guarantee our shipping is the most competitive (and account for how much you are paying for product too!) (See chart below)

Vista Print 2014 Colorful LOGO FLAT RATE SHIPPING COST

We are all committed to servicing you. Orders come through, but we all work hard and know that you do too. We do not take it lightly that you chose us to do business with. In fact, we are honored that you did so.

So, we hope you consider all of the above when choosing a website …a business to order your product through.

Thanks again,

The Purple Painted LadyImage of Tricia ME

Do Your Kitchen Cabinets Look Tired?

Do your cabinets look tired?
OR, are you tired of your cabinets?

The easy, affordable and beautiful solution is to paint them using Chalk Paint decorative paint by Annie Sloan…the “No Stripping, No Sanding, No Priming” “World’s Best Paint!”
PicMonkey Collage The Purple Painted Lady Painted Caninets susan Old White

If interested in painting your cabinets but are afraid to- please don’t be. All of us at The Purple Painted Lady are here to help you through your project.

Check out the amazing transformation that my customer Marian Harrison completed in her kitchen. Between the two Before & After photos, nothing changed, other than the cabinets were painted and waxed.

purple painted lady chalk paint

And that old bathroom vanity? Freshen it up!

The Purple Painted Lady Vanity Before & after Chalk Paint PicMonkey Collage

Amazing transformation, yes? I think so!

Many customers want to paint their kitchens but have questions, such as:

* What prep is there when painting a kitchen?

ANSWER: Before painting, it is necessary to clean your cabinets. When you cook, fry, broil or boil whatever you are making, even with a fan- steam goes into the air. It eventually settles on your cabinets. If you have children or a dog, who knows what else might be stuck to them. Get some Odorless Mineral Spirits and wipe down the cabinets using a rag or even a ScotchBrite Scrubbie. Note that the image of the Mineral Spirits shows different packaging that is available. The key thing here is to purchase the regular Odorless Mineral Spirits. NOT the environmentally green Mineral Spirits which is shown in the white packaging in the right of the photo. Mineral Spirits The Purple Painted Lady - Green vs Odorless regular

* Will the Chalk Paint adhere to the sides of my cabinets, they are made of a laminate material?  Can I paint my Laminated (faux wood) plasticie (is that even a word?) end caps?

YES- you can paint the laminate end cap. But you will want to lightly sand in the same direction you will apply your paint with a 180, 200 or 220 grit sanding block or paper.  ALWAYS sand in the same direction as the wood grain. (even if it is a faux wood grain.)

Then, clean the surface per the insructions we provide.

Thin your paint with a little water and paint a uniform, thin coat- making sure to “lay” your paint from top to bottom at the very end of every stroke- so you get rid of any small segmented brushstrokes. Then….WAIT 24 hours till you apply coat number two. Don’t try to scratch the paint with your thumbnail during this period…because you will be succussful.

There is a lot of chemistry in paint and you need to allow that chemistry to do it’s thing! Once all done painting, apply the wax top coat per the instructions and voila… will be amazed!

Painted Kitchen Cabinets Courtney Crabb MY CUSTOMER The Purple Painted Lady

* I have old cabinets and the protective top coat is worn, especially around the hardware. Is there anything I should do?
ANSWER: YES! You will most likely need to apply shellac to your doors. Shellac is a “sealer.” that means it seals in the surface – preventing stain or wood tannins from bleeding through to the paint.

We prefer the clear Zinsser shellac. Again, note that shellac is a sealer so it will seal the surface preventing stain or wood tannins from bleeding through your new paint. I recommend getting the quart of shellac and using a rag, wipe down all the doors and the cabinet frame just like you would wipe down your kitchen table when you clean it. You want the rag moist but not dripping. I cover the whole cabinet in a linear fashion, making sure to NOT miss any spot and to catch the edges also!

Kitchen Cabinet Stephanie Kapral MY CUSTOMER The Purple Painted Lady Chalk Paint

Spraying the shellac using an aerosol can is also an option. I have done this many times. On a small job this is good, but remember to spray 2 coats. Aerosol cans of shellac will cost more than buying the quart, so for large jobs- I recommend the quart.
Kitchen Cabinets shellac Zinsser

Zinsser shellac comes in quarts and aerosol containers. If you have a well ventilated space and take your doors down- you can use the spray, but I feel the quart and a rag will give you better coverage. I usually will do 2 coats.

If you already started painting and did not shellac prior, and then realize that you are getting bleeding- you can still apply the shellac. Just allow the paint to dry thoroughly and then apply the shellac. when to use shellac on kitchen cabinets bleed tannin

* Do I have to take the doors off to paint using Chalk Paint?

ANSWER: NO…you can leave the doors hinged and on the cabinets when painting. Many do this! However, when I am painting a kitchen- I typically take the doors off and will number them. I then lay them down flat and process them a bit like a production line. If you choose to paint them while they are hanging and plan on painting the hinges, just lightly dry brush the hinges so they are not “caked” with paint.
Raw Cabinets

* How do I calculate how much paint I need?

ANSWER: I will take a piece of paper and make a drawing of the kitchen layout. Literally drawing out the each section of cabinets. I then note the height, width and depth of the cabinets. You need these measurements in order to determine the square footage.

Calculating the square footage is very easy. For each section, multiply the height times the width. The result is your square footage for that section.

Once you have this initial number- understand that this would be for only one coat of paint. A typical kitchen project will take 2 coats. Sometimes, even 3 coats of paint depending on the color you select and the color of your cabinets.

Because you will probably need 2 coats of paint- you will need to double your square footage in the end. Also- don’t forget to paint the underside of your top cabinets. This is the part that is directly over your counter top. And- are you planning on painting the inside of the door? If yes, (and most do) account for that in your total.

A quart of Chalk Paint® will roughly cover about 150 square feet. So take your total amount of square footage and divide by 150. The number from this calculation will be how many quarts of paint you need. And always error on the side of an additional quart so you have enough for your project.
Old Ochre Cabinet with name

* I want durability- will this paint work?

ANSWER: Yes! Chalk Paint® is extremely durable and when you finish the paint with the wax- it becomes even harder. Something I suggest to my “kitchen Cabinet” painting customers is to apply a uniform – thin even coat of paint and then wait 24 hours before painting the second coat. There is a lot of science that goes into paint products in general. In the first 24 hours- the paint will really bear down and tighten its grip to the surface. I was once told to think of the paint molecules as floating around with space between them, then as it dries over that first 24 hours- the space between them gets smaller and the paint gets tighter against the surface. Allow science to do its thing and for the first coat of paint to have 24 hours.

* What is the process when it comes to painting cabinets using Chalk Paint®?

ANSWER: If you are looking for texture, use the Chalk Paint® directly from the quart in the consistency it is made in. However, if you are looking for a more traditional smooth finish, consider applying your first coat directly from the quart. Once the first coat is dry, pour some of your Chalk Paint® into another container and add some water to thin it. I would say add about 10 to 15% water in comparison to your paint. Use a cheap measuring cup so you can easily reproduce this thinned mixture. Apply your second coat of pant with this thinned Chalk Paint®. This will allow to get a smoother finish and it will even stretch your paint a bit.
The Purple Painted Lady apply chalk paint thinned with water to cabinets during second coat kitchen bathroom

* Can I paint the cabinets outside in my garage?

ANSWER: Maybe! You should only paint pieces, cabinets or any furniture for that matter if it is at room temperature consistently. The same goes for all of your paint products. Never let them freeze or sit in a 100 degree garage. Temperature will effect your products. This recommendation applies to even while they are drying, curing and the time in between!

A space heater is not adequate and definitely not sufficient if only being used while you are in the workspace.

The best thing to do – is set up a painting area in the house where you know the temperatures will be within normal range consistently and that there will not be any excessive dust.

* Should I paint the inside of the cabinets?

The answer to that is really totally up to you. I always paint the back of the door, but not always do we paint inside the cabinet box. It will add more time and cost to the project and many people are fine with leaving them as is…so consider what is best for you. Consider though when it comes to the resale of your home- having the inside of your cabinets finished nicely is a plus!

* What type of brush should I use?

We recommend using a natural bristle brush. Annie Sloan has amazing brushes available-but I still like to use a 1.5 inch Purdy brush that has an angled brush. These are very nice if you are “cutting” an edge.

* How many coats of wax do you recommend?

I always apply two coats of wax on cabinets that I am doing. Three if I need to add a dark wax glaze.

Here is some additional high level information / steps to reference if planning on doing your kitchen.

Lastly- please consider using The Purple Painted Lady if needing to purchase your chalk paint on-line.

Kitchen Cab ReFAB workshop Facebook 2014
The Purple Painted Lady Kitchen BEFORE AFTER SUsan Old White 1

The Purple Painted Lady Kitchen BEFORE AFTER SUsan Old White 2
The Purple Painted Lady Kitchen BEFORE AFTER SUsan Old White 3

FREE T-Shirt Scarf Workshop on Feb. 12th (Registration Reqd)

Free Workshop? Why yes in deed at The Purple Painted Lady!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 starting at 7:00pm – ending around 9:00pm.

Come and meet Annette – who is an up and coming children’s author! She will be hosting this event at The Purple Painted Lady.

Come and make a funky – fun scarf that you up-cycle from your husband’s shirt (or for that matter….any one’s shirt.)
Make your own scarf Annette

Please bring a cotton t-shirt that is similar in size to a men’s size XL. Other than that- all other supplies provided.

Registration is required by emailing Trish at

We are capping this off at 10 guests- so please do not register if you are thinking you “might” make it. : ) Make your own scarf Annette Portrait image

Minimum age – 12 years old and up

Plenty of parking is behind the shop.

** The top image shows the scarf wrapped twice around the neck.

FREE Hands On Chalk Paint Demo THIS Saturday, Jan. 25th at our Macedon location!

FREE Hands On Chalk Paint Demo THIS Saturday, Jan. 25th at our Macedon location!

Have you wanted to learn about Chalk Paint decorative paint by Annie Sloan?

Come and watch, listen and then help me paint a dresser!

Paint demo happens at NOON!

We are located at 77 West Main Street in the village of Macedon.
We have plenty of parking around back of our building!

And……we have some guest vendors that will be joining me too from 11- 3pm.

Indigo Moon Fibers
Indigo Moon Fibers- March 16

The Griffen Bakery
griffen bakery

K. Higgins & Co.
K Higgins

The Traveling Vineyard (Wine Tastings)

Critters 3D
Critters 3D

Betty Lou Designs
Betty Lou Designs

Sweet Pea Felts
Sweet Pea Felts