<= SHOP FOR ANNIE SLOAN CHALK PAINT®..click on my daughter's photo to the LEFT <=

My on-line store is always OPEN and we offer LOW FLAT RATE SHIPPING inside the USA!

The best part of purchasing your paint through The Purple Painted Lady…is that I become your personal Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® consultant! No joke!

You have a question about what color would be best for your project? CALL ME! 585-750-6056
Have a question about the application of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®? CALL ME! 585-750-6056
Not sure the appropriate way to wax your Chalk Paint® or the order to do things? CALL ME! 585-750-6056

I think you are getting the picture!

Always leave a message – on the off chance I cannot answer. Please leave your phone number twice and speak slowly- I guarantee I will call you back! Or feel free to email me! Email is great when a photo would be helpful related to your issue! takuntz@rochester.rr.com

Thanks so much and Happy Shopping!

ps I ship EVERY day – except for Sunday! (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Typography! How does she do it?!

Decorative painting ….transferring Typography! How does she do it?!

Many people wonder, some ask. I respond, …”it is not hard! And let me help you.” (and by the way- we do sell Chalk Paint® on line HERE for $37.99 per quart and SHIP YOUR ORDER OUT THE SAME DAY YOU PLACE IT- if placed by 3pm Eastern Time!)

Yes, I get asked that often with pieces that I do. So, although this post is all over the place when it comes to topics, I am sharing with you:

1. a great website source for getting free images and typography from. (yes, I wrote FREE!)
2. my typical approach to doing image projects like this.
3. information on applying Dark Wax (there are many ways to use Dark Wax by the way!)
4. And a new product called Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements® that we sell – which is another option to help you make amazing pieces also. Click HERE to see this product.

coco dresser with white emailI am always scheming and thinking about how I want to paint my next piece, but sometimes I need inspiration. So, what’s a girl to do, except for to call on her Fairy Godmother! Well, who I actually am referring to is The Graphics Fairy LLC ! She has never let me down! (ps if you visit her Facebook page- please let her know The Purple Painted Lady sent you!)

Below I will share with you the steps took to create this funky painted dresser.

Here is what the dresser looked like before anything was done to it. Not too pretty- but it had the perfect front surface for something fun to be painted on it! Not to mention it is all wood and well made. So…of course it was first painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® Decorative Paints. The color used was Coco- which is a beautiful color – especially with Dark Wax applied to it!

Coco Sample Board
If interested in purchasing Coco Chalk Paint®- click HERE.

This dresser was already painted with white Latex paint when I found it.  I chose the color Coco for this project and it took 1 1/2 coats of Coco Chalk Pant®. NO sanding or priming prior either and did I mention I sell Chalk Paint® on-line? Click HERE if interested in shopping. And oh, what do I mean by 1/2 coats?

Well, after your first coat of Chalk Paint® dries- if you are applying a second coat with a brush (which you almost always need 2 coats of paint!) – often I will thin the paint by placing only a ¼ inch of water in a plastic cup with some paint. A good rule of thumb, is no more than 20% water added to the whatever amount of paint you have. And do this in a separate container, other than the actual paint can.

By adding some water- it allows the paint to be a little thinner and smoother and it will glide on easier and you will use less paint. (I will sometimes refer to it as a 1/2 coat.) Also, this is great if you are looking for more of a traditional “smooth” look with minimal brush strokes in regards to texture.

Once finished painting the dresser with Coco- it was time to jazz it up. I did not want to use a stencil and actually could not find one the size or in the style I wanted. But when it comes to stencils- some are a necessity when doing a replicating pattern. But in general I have found that they can be quite expensive and often- I do not do the same detailed painting more than once or twice, so I do not need one. And to have a custom stencil created- FORGET IT…very expensive$$$.

More importantly- I want to have a variety in the pieces I do, versus doing the same design again and again. I like to personalize an image and if you are savvy with using Paint Shop Pro (or some image editing software) you can.

So for the project I am going to step through below what I did. But just to share- if I was to purchase a big stencil to accommodate my design in this size- it would easily run a minimum of $100 to perhaps $200 retail- that is, if you could find one that matched this type of design. So instead, I suggest that you buy a projector off of Craigslist and print your transparencies on a laser printer. You will not regret it! And that is what I did….I just made a transparency and pushed the image up and traced it.

I used Graphite Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan to color within the lines. What makes Chalk Paint® so awesome is that it is very forgiving. Meaning when I paint in the traced lettering on the piece below – I am not concerned about uniform coverage of paint since I am going to “age” this piece by distressing it with sand paper and use Dark Wax once done. With a little 200 to 400 grit sandpaper…I will make the front of this piece as smooth as glass! And ….make the uneven paint – work to my advantage!

1. So, where do I go to get inspiration? Please allow me to introduce you to my Fairy Godmother! Visit The Graphics Fairy LLC website and browse. Karen – my Fairy Godmother (although she is probably much younger than me!) always has an infinite supply of the most incredible – inspirational images for me to choose from. And get this…all of her site- IS FREE! Crazy right?!

Search for whatever you might have in mind. If you have no ideas, just browse some of the folders she has on her main menu. I guarantee, something will appeal to you!


2. Once the perfect image is found (which there will be 100’s of!) Make a screen shot of the image and then create a PowerPoint image and save it to your hard drive. Print that image on to a transparency from my laser printer. If you have a basic ink jet – make sure to buy transparencies specifically for your printer type. Otherwise your ink will stay wet and will just smear. Kinkos or Copy Max can make transparencies for you if you cannot. (Note that I did not go into specifics from a technical perspective, because depending on if you have a mac or use Micorsoft and what revision you have- the instructions will vary!)

3. Using my ancient and inexpensive overhead projector, I push the image onto my furniture piece. Make sure to only begin this step when you have ample time to do the whole layout. Don’t plan on starting the lay out on one day and finishing it another because if you move your piece by accident or the projector gets shifted – nothing will line up and you will have a fun time (sarcasm) trying to align it all again!

Using painter’s tape- tape the transparency in place to your projector once you have it aligned, otherwise a nice breeze will come by and blow it off (Murphy’s Law.)
I align my design by eye.
Always step back a good few feet and look at your piece from a distance.
Make sure to leave ample room between your piece and the projector so that you can comfortably stretch out or lay down on the ground without touching either, or you risk moving one! For this image, I gauged the distance from the top of the letters from a drawer seam to make sure that it looks uniformed before I start to trace my projection. As for the projector- find one on Craigslist for a minimal amount of money. Unless a projector was relatively new or came with a large inventory of bulbs- I would not pay more than $60 for one. (and for $60, I am looking for a top of the line projector) The most expensive part of a projector is the bulbs. Make sure to ask the current owner if they have any extra bulbs that they will give you with the purchase or confirm that the bulbs are still available to buy!

Another idea- I like to use this method for wall designs. At my 2000 sq ft shop in the village of Macedon- I have started to work on my Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint display. Customizing your space is always cool, in my opinion. I used my projector to do this too.

Milk Paint Logo over cow

I still need to add “miss mustard seed” in an arc over my cute cow’s head, but I really like how it looks already!

4. Using a WATERCOLOR pencil– trace your image in a coordinated water colored pencil. Since I knew I was going to paint the lettering with the color Graphite, another gorgeous Chalk Paint® Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan- I used a dark colored pencil. However, if I was going to use Annie Sloan’s Old White or Pure White, I would have selected the white or lighter colored watercolor pencil. The difference between regular “traditional” pencils that your kids use in school versus a water-soluble pencil is
what the material inside the pencil is made of. Typically when an artist who paints with watercolors (which I think you all understand what I mean by watercolor) …the person sketches out a drawing with a special kind of pencil as so when they apply water and paint – the outline from the watercolor pencil blends in versus just being an outline. Regular lead or graphite pencils just smear and contaminate your watercolor paint- or for that matter any type of paint. Even Latex! So- when I, The Purple Painted Lady paints a mural on a wall- I ALWAYS use a pencil made for watercolor art. Again the lead – have a water soluble material that blends when painting. Here is a LINK to some available. Color pencil leads are either wax or oil based, whereas watercolor pencils have a water soluble base. Again- (apologizing for the redundancy here) do not use a traditional lead pencil. The lead will only smear and depending on the color of paint you will be using- the lead will bleed through. Some people may suggest using a piece of chalk, but I do NOT. Do NOT use a Sharpie either. A customer of mine tried that, and the Sharpie seemed to smear when she applied the wax top coat. So, I like watercolor pencils and they must have a tight tip to make fine detailed lines, which is why I also have an electric sharpener that I use a lot! I have found that a piece of chalk is too bulky to draw in details. (and I like the details!)

When you begin to trace, be strategic. Meaning start on the top of the image and work your way down. This will prevent you from smearing your lines. This is especially important if working on a project when it is hot and humid. The moisture on your skin will smudge the water color lines.


The Purple Painted Lady has projectors available for RENTING from her Macedon location. If local, give her a call. 585.750.6057


5. Once your layout is done- celebrate! Now the fun part begins…painting it all in!

I use artist’s paint brushes that I purchase at Hobby Lobby or Michaels Stores. For this project, I used a straight top brush that was about 1/3 of an inch wide and then two other fine tipped brushes for detailing and making whimsical lines. I also have a bunch of styrofoam plates around that I use to hold a little water and to remove some paint from my brushes when I get too much on them.

Some people will use paint markers, but be careful. Make sure to test whatever type of marker you are using prior with the wax or top coat you will be using. Some will smear or smudge- and you do not want that happening after investing time and energy in creating your design.
Begin painting in a strategic way. Since I am right handed, I always start applying paint on the top left of the image. That way- I can rest my hand that is holding the paint brush on the piece without worry of laying it in wet paint. This is important since you will create a nicer, straighter – more controlled brush stroke when your hand is resting on the surface, versus floating in mid-air.

6. I will share that the amount of time to complete what I have done so far is relative to your experience as a painter. The more you paint- the faster you will be. The old saying- practice makes perfect is very true! I completed what you see done in the photo ABOVE in about one hour and 15 minutes, and that includes painting the dresser (it does exclude drying time.) But don’t worry about the time if you are slower than me because it is not a race and in the end- what matters is you creating a beautiful piece. Painting, detailing, waxing…in the end I will have about 2 hours vested in this. Again- the more you paint- the faster you will be. I have been professionally painting pieces and murals for about 10 years now.

I then completed the application of clear wax as a base, and then the dark wax. Here is a photo of the front of the dresser with one drawer still waiting for dark wax. You can see where I have applied the dark wax.

When I apply the dark wax- sometimes I will wear plastic gloves so the stain doesn’t transfer to my hands. I can share (almost 2 years from when I wrote this post originally) that I never wear gloves any more because I am pretty darn neat at doing this. : ) So, like I shared, there is a layer of clear wax on the dresser first and I did this for two reasons. One, it prevents the dark wax from “staining ” the paint directly. This is really important if using Old White or a lighter color of paint and you do not want that much intensity of darkness. (just a side note- that there are other application ways to apply dark wax. And two- the additional layer of clear wax adds more protection. I like to think of Dark Wax and the result of it as being very artistic.)



Check out THIS video of Annie Sloan painting a little cabinet and using both clear and dark wax.


To read more information about applying Dark Wax, please click HERE.)

I brushed on the Dark Wax over to give an aged effect. I let the Dark Wax sit for about 30 seconds…literally almost applying it – then wiped it off in linear strokes. I took my lint free rag (use an old t-shirt cutting it up in pieces…you will go through a few rags for this project) Using your rag, remove the excess dark wax. We are not icing a cake and I only wanted the residual staining effect. I did leave a larger amount of the Dark Wax in the side grooves though. (again – feel free to visit this other post HERE to learn more about Dark Wax)

I made sure to push Dark Wax into the little cracks and dents of the dresser so to really gave the dresser that “Pottery Barn” aged look.

Now before you tackle a sacred piece of furniture that you inherited from your favorite great aunt with Dark Wax, I suggest you “practice” with Dark Wax on a small piece or a cheap garage sale find. This way you can get some experience and understand the approach on how to make your piece look aged, and not dirty. : ) Please make sure to read my post HERE to learn more about Dark Wax.

Below is a photo of the dresser finished and with the hardware installed. What do you think?

If you try this idea at home – please email me some BEFORE & AFTER images of what you did. takuntz@rochester.rr.com

coco dresser with white email Here are a few more examples of pieces we have completed using a projector:


Typography LOVE quote The purple Painted Lady Chalk Paint annie sloan dresser

In the photo I have below with the quote, ”

Life Moves Pretty Fast. If you don’t stop & look around once in a while, you could miss it!”

– I used a white water color pencil. I will typically take the drawers out to paint the design, and then- using sandpaper- I distress my painted letters. This will create a super smooth finish. Note the white dust on the Graphite paint from sanding over the white letters. Do not worry about that because once I go over this with my Annie Sloan Clear Wax- the residual dust will disappear.

Typography Life Moves Fast quote The purple Painted Lady Chalk Paint annie sloan dresser


Old Violet Annie Sloan dresser





Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements® AVAILABLE at The Purple Painted Lady


Now, if you are not into purchasing a projector and sketching out your image- here is a another amazing option that streamlines this process. It is a product called product called Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements® that I am retailing at my Macedon store and here on-line – which is another option to help you make amazing pieces also. Click HERE to see this product.

So what is Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements®?
artisan enhancement close up

Transfer Gel by Artisan Enhancements® is a product that enables you to make funky pieces that others have done by hand in the past. It is a transparent fibrous gel that you apply over an image that you printed from either a laser jet printer or professional printed image from your local CopyMax or copying store. Both black & white images and color images work perfectly with this gel.

Transfer Gel So, how does the Transfer Gel work?

Well, first you find an image you love, print it to the correct size and remember to make it in the reverse that you want to see it. This is especially important if transferring lettering otherwise the wording will be backwards! Then, you lay your printed image onto your painted piece.

If you can lay your furniture down so the image is facing up ~ for example, if doing a dresser front- consider laying the dresser on its back. This is not necessary, but if you have a small piece- do it.

Apply the Transfer Gel by brush and use quite a bit of it covering the whole image in a uniform way.

Again, your image is face down so the printed image is facing the furniture, not you. And one last reminder- make sure print is mirror imaged.

Use a smoothing tool to adhere paper evenly to surface. I like the plastic scraper that I received with my Pamper Chef baking stone, but even an old plastic library card works.

Allow your printed paper to dry to assure the image has transferred. It is best to leave it overnight- or even 24 hours depending on the temperature and moisture in your area. (Don’t try to rush this – otherwise it will be like taking a cake out of the over after half the time it needs.) Some have shared that you can rush it by using a hairdryer- but I suggest you be patient and only use a hair dryer at the very end.

Ok, now comes the best part…I like to say, “the Christmas Morning moment!”

Mist the paper with water quite generously, then using a sponge or cloth remove/rub away paper the image. Now it is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not over work the removal of the paper since you could start to remove the transfer image. So, approach this carefully and slowly. (that means, you need to be patient!)

As always, it is best to test a small spot to make sure that the drying was totally completed.

Some have shared that if you get a funny outside haze circle- that is referred to a “halo” effect – after you have removed the paper- just lightly sand the edges of the image with a fine grit paper like 300 or 400 grit. Just like dark cars show more dirt, dings and scratches- this halo effect seems more evident on darker colored painted pieces.

Last, use the Artisan Enhancements® Clear Topcoat to seal. To access the Clear Topcoat in our on-line store click HERE.

I hope what I have shared has been helpful. Please feel free to email me questions if there is something you do not understand.
Thanks so much for reading my post and hopefully liking by Facebook page. And a BIG thank you to Karen at The Graphics Fairy LLC

Please visit our website if interested in ordering Chalk Paint®. We have it available for $34.95 per quart, we offer low/flat rate shipping and it always ships same day (as long as Pete, our UPS guy has not come already!)

In fact- there are many reasons we think buying through us is the best. Read THIS little post about what sets The Purple Painted Lady apart from the rest.

To visit our on-line store- click HERE.

Lastly, we share a lot more information to help you get the most functionality out of your Chalk Paint® on our Facebook page. Consider checking it out by clicking HERE. While there- kindly consider LIKING us.

Thanks again,
Tricia Migliore Kuntz ~The Purple Painted Lady ~
Design/Consulting, Kitchen Cabinet Refurbishing, Custom Painted Furniture, Chalk Paint® & Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint Retailer & herRochester Blogger

PHONE: 585-750-6056

Come visit us:

At our MAIN STORE at 77 West Main Street in Macedon, NY 14502 OR
77 Main street with phone number

3200 West Ridge Road in Rochester, NY 14626 (The Shops On West Ridge) OR

Our Syracuse, NY location as of July 1, 2014 at 1 West Genesee Street, Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Click HERE for Store hours and information.
Moving from Solvay to Baldwinsville ASU The Purple Painted Lady

How To Get A Super Smooth Finish with Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan

Now before you whip out your sandpaper and take it to your new furniture,
read this post in its entirety.

For those of you out there who like to paint furniture, this post is for you!

Do you use Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan? (or any other porous paint?)
Want to get the most luxurious furniture finish that feels as smooth as glass?

Well then, you need to visit a an auto parts supply store like AutoZone or Advanced Auto Parts and pick up some 400 and up grit auto body sandpaper (I love the 800 for a final polish.) This high grit sandpaper is the type that is used on the side of a corvette to make the fiberglass super smooth! (and did you know you can get sandpaper all the way up to 2200 or more grit?) Now, that is not necessary for what we are doing, but I thought it was interesting.

High grit sandpaper is absolutely wonderful for using on your pieces painted with Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan! The fine sandpaper makes them as smooth as glass!

Here is one approach to try: (NOTE- this will not work with Latex Paint. If you do not believe me, the best thing is to try it yourself.)

* Paint your piece with Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan and let dry thoroughly.
* Then gently polish the piece with the high grit sandpaper. Basically what you are doing is burnishing your paint.

To burnish is defined as => to rub (a material) with a tool for compacting or smoothing.

And that is what we are doing when polishing with fine sandpaper. We are knocking down any surface tension that existed from those micro small – can barely be seen by the naked eye – brush strokes.

Something to be aware of – is if you burnish your Chalk Paint™ (we call this the Modern Look) that you may not be using Clear Wax on top. In fact- you may have a problem having the Clear Wax being absorbed into the Chalk Paint™ since by sanding the surface excessively to get that super smooth feel, you create a hard- compacted surface and the wax will have a hard time penetrating it or the Chalk Paint™ will have a difficult time absorbing the wax now. Slight sanding is fine!…I do this all the time and then apply Clear Wax. But if you are “polishing” the surface, please be aware of this caveat.

After a couple of coats Chalk Paint™…a quick safe light dusting with a 220, 300 or 400 grit sandpaper and your finish will be super incredible. I like to do this on the top of a dresser or a table, but not always the whole piece just because sandpaper can get to be expensive and personally do not feel doing the whole piece is necessary. Then wax or not wax – it is up to you! Personally, I like to wax. This is just one of the many tricks you can do with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!

Besides using a paint brush- try using a sponge kitchen cabinet roller and apply a few thin even coats of paint and then lightly sand. Sanding is best when there are a few applications of paint….not when there is a single layer.

I also like to use sandpaper to get a worn aged effect when decorative painting.

For instance, this Coca Cola chair that I painted for my shop (and no, this is not for sale – I painted it for myself to sit on – so don’t get crazy about copyright issues!) Anyway, when I painted the lettering I applied my paint and in some areas, the white paint was heavier (thicker) than in others. If I was using latex paint, this would have been a concern for me, but with using Chalk Paint™, I knew I could take my 200 grit sandpaper afterward, and strategically sand in a lateral direction, and sand down the high points of the paint. This gives a more uniformed “worn” effect and feels fantastic. Some people refer to this as a “distressed” look. I could have used a higher grit to polish the chair more- but the 220 sandpaper worked fine.

Look at the photo and notice the horizontal worn sanding lines across the seat. Be strategic if you sand and not just go at it in a circular motion.

Sanding with 400 grit can also be done after waxing. For example:

I love Old Denim Jeans! Not just the feel – but the look of them! They are like “comfort food” after a long day of work. You come home and put them on- or on a weekend morning when you get dress….there is just something about the effect they have on you. So, I played around when painting and recreated that worn denim look on this little table. I did all of this using Old Violet and made a glaze with Dark Wax (if you do not know how to do this- read my post here on my website called “Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark”) and applied it and wiped off. Then once dried and cured for a few weeks- I sanded it with some 400 grit sandpaper and then clear waxed. The grey you see is where I sanded. What do you think?

I suggest you experiment on your own with these techniques- especially since it is difficult to communicate all the details associated unless you can actually feel the difference yourself! Sort of like trying to describe the softness of a bed pillow. The best way to buy one- is to go to the store yourself and touch them.

I also used the sandpaper to smooth out the front of the crown on this dresser painted with Louis Blue.

Now, if only I could get the jingle, “Get in the zone…Auto Zone” out of my head!
Hope this was helpful!

The Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale 2012, baby!!!!

I cannot even sleep without scheming!

As I finally fell asleep on Monday night after a 6 hour drive home from meeting Annie Sloan in Boston (Oh yes I did! I met Annie and she is amazing!) However, with absolute no disrespect- first I need to share what was keeping me awake this time.

As I was laying in bed exhausted, but yet totally inspired and psyched…I was thinking & scheming, and here I am now making this BIG announcement regarding …. are you wondering what it is? (I am guessing probably not based on the title of my post, right!) Well, I am sure you guessed it right! Another …..Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale!

Date has yet to be confirmed – but it will most likely be a week or two after Labor Day. If you made it to The Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale last year and enjoyed it…..you are going to love this year even more. This sale is going to be even bigger and better!!!!! This will be a venue that you will not want to miss! I guarantee that! And if you paint furniture and buy your Annie Sloan Chalk Paint though me- get in touch if you would like to participate. Do I have a deal for you!!!!!! Stay tuned for details!

Ok- now here I am – saving the ABSOLUTE best for last. I met Annie Sloan in person! Yep–you know the name on every quart of paint that you love to use! That is who I was honored to spend the day with. The first time I saw Annie was on Friday night for a brief few minutes. I felt embarrassed because I was star struck when I saw her. Just like a groupie for The Beatles. Right there in front of me was Annie! THE Annie Sloan. The woman who created a product that I not only love, but has literally changed my life and the altered the path I was on.

What I adore most about Annie is her down to earth charm. Yes, she is brilliant! Yes, she created the one and only chalk paint over 20 years ago. Yes, she has written over 23 books. But the fact that this Rock Star in the design world is so sincerely gracious, kind and humble – well, it makes me adore her more and feel even more grateful to be part of her team….the Annie Sloan organization. I will post more about the Boston trip this week and share some of the highlights that Annie spoke about regarding her depth on colour combinations, direction and inspiration. But right now I would also like to write a bit about another fantastic woman who you may not know as much about. Her name is Lisa Rickert Jolie. It was Lisa who during her own home renovation/new build in Louisiana discovered Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and had it shipped here from England to use. She loved it so much that she approached Annie about distributing it in North America and well, the rest is history. To get an idea about how big this Annie Sloan Chalk Paint phenomenon is, just one year ago there were only about 10 US stockists and here we are a year later going on almost 200 stockist. The incredible growth regarding Annie Sloan Chalk Paint had NOTHING to do with savvy marketing! It has all been due to the amazing qualities the paint has and word of mouth (and pen) by those who use it and then love it. As for Lisa (who is a power house of a business woman in a peanut size body.) Lisa has a very young family and I can only imagine the difficulties trying to balance her need and desire to be a wife and a mom with the corporate side of all of this. She is always available to field a phone call from one of her many stockists and is involved whenever we need her. I know she has had to sacrifice family time the last couple of years to help all of us achieve what we have. When I attempted to thank her in Boston- I got very choked up and had a difficult time not crying. Because as a mom- nothing is more important than your children. But from the outside looking in- I would say she is doing an incredible job. I know how much we (all stockists) appreciate everything that she does for us and the Annie Sloan brand! So Lisa, if by the slim chance you see this post….thank you very much for all that you have done to help so many women (and men) in the USA be able to do something that they love. I have worked in many places but have never been in a position to say 100% across the board- how grateful I am to be included in something so amazing and big! And when it comes to Annie Sloan and her Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and the Annie Sloan Unfolded organization (Jolie Design) – this is REALLY BIG! Cheers to Annie & Lisa!!!!

Well, if you ever near my shop and have a moment – please stop in. I am always available to help you with design questions and of course- any questions you might have regarding Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I will try to contain my enthusiasm and passion regarding Annie Sloan Chalk Paint as so to not take up too much of your time. But if you want to talk shop….than I am your girl!

Thanks for reading!

I’m Going To Meet Annie Sloan in Boston!

I’m Going To Meet Annie Sloan in Boston! Well, actually I will be a working bee to the Queen herself, and I would walk barefoot to Boston to have this honor!

This event on April 2nd will be filled with exciting activities and a must see for many Annie Sloan Chalk Paint enthusiasts, as well as those new customers who have never used these amazing products. It is a full 8-hour day of Annie Sloan. Annie is hosting 7 other workshops across the USA, but each event will be formatted the same way and will include 2-hour demonstration and history given by Annie Sloan, 4-hour hands on workshop covering Annie’s range of techniques, and a book signing/ social hour to conclude the day. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet Annie Sloan, your local Stockist (such as myself…The Purple Painted Lady), and others passionate about the range, versatility, and ease of use of this incredible Chalk Paint and Soft Wax. The Annie Sloan products have certainly changed the way Americans and Canadians think of painting furniture since its introduction in the States mid-2010. Click on the photo below to launch the registration site!