Painting Your Stone or Tile Backsplash using Chalk Paint

Danielle Dreyer of Rochester, NY Transformed her kitchen backsplash that she was really…really not on love with using Chalk Paint ® Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan in Pure. But now…..she loves her kitchen now!

Danielle has been painting with Annie Sloan Paint for a few years. You might recall she painted her bathroom vanity in Chalk Paint® – in the color Amsterdam Green.

As a young mom and an entrepreneur (doodle & jack ) ….a clothing line for littles, she loves the colors in the Annie Sloan suite and the ease of use with minimal prep since she does not have much free time. So, since she has wanted to change the backsplash in her kitchen but just has not had the time to take on that size of a project- she decided to paint the tile using Annie Sloan.

Here are some BEFORE and AFTER photos of her kitchen backsplash that she painted with Annie Sloan. First…the AFTER photo because it looks so good!

And here is her kitchen BEFORE.

Step 1. It is not necessary, but you can scuff the tile with an 80 grit sandpaper if you feel they are super smooth. Follow up by cleaning your tile well using Krud Kutter. Make sure to follow up after cleaning the tiles with a new rag with fresh water because you want to rinse away any remaining cleaner. Then use painters tape and block off any areas you do not want Chalk Paint® to accidentally get on. I would personally cover the counters too. Use what you have, gift wrap paper? Newspaper? Wax Paper? Brown Bags? It does not matter, but it will help prevent any little splatter of getting on them.

Step 2. PAINT

Pick out your paint color. Then pour some into a smaller container. I recommend adding some water to your Chalk Paint® to thin it. You do not want it soupy, but I would add about 20% water to it. What does that mean? If you have one cup if paint, add a little less than 1/4 cup of water to it and mix it in really well. You want the first coat a little thinner. Make sure you get thorough coverage. Then, allow 24 hours before applying a second coat. Please do not try to scratch it off, because you will be successful. Paint takes time to cure and really adhere- so give it the time it needs to do that. You can thin the paint on your second application also if it is easier for you to use. When you thin the paint with a little water it will flow more off the bristles off your brush and should give you a smoother finish too.

Step 3. Top Coat?

There are different options and depending on where the tile is that you painted and the color paint you used, your choice will vary. In some cases- although Chalk Paint® is a matte, flat finish by itself- you may choose to not top coat.

If you are painting your kitchen backsplash and using a “White” colored Chalk Paint® I would recommend sealing the paint with either Artisan Enhancements Clear Finish. In general though- the other topcoats are Artisan Enhancements Top Coat Sealer or Annie Sloan’s Lacquer.


If you are painting around a fireplace or gas insert, every state, county or Parrish may have different code ordinances. We cannot tell you what to use not guide you since we do not specifics to your project or where you live. However, some people have used Artisan Enhancements Clear Finish over “white” colored Chalk Paint® since it will not amber or yellow. Clear Finish comes in different sheens. If you are not using a “white” colored Chalk Paint® and want more a matte finish, then select the matte sheen Artisan Enhancements Clear Topcoat Sealer.

Another option is using Annie’s Lacquer. It comes in both a Matte or a Gloss. There are caveats and important tips to be aware of- and you can read them HERE.

If you have any other questions regarding a potential project you want to do- feel free to message us HERE or CALL OR TEXT us at 585-750-6056.

If you are interested in purchasing Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan or any other of the products we carry ~ or would like some help with a project- reach out to us! And….consider purchasing from us too, although we always encourage you to visit your local Chalk Paint® stockist if you have one …but if you are stuck at home and do not have anyone local… The Purple Painted Lady is here to help and can ship your order right to your front door step. Please just place your order online and we will ship it out ASAP! In fact, if you place an order- be confident in knowing that The Purple Painted Lady has everything in stock! What does this mean in the end? With the team we have in place- your order will get packed and picked up by FedX, UPS or USPS. We pack up your order ship your order out our doors the same day you place it – Monday through Saturday. (note however, this is as long as your order came in before 3pm EASTERN TIME, because most of the carriers pick up our packages around 3 or 3:30pm)

To purchase online – please CLICK HERE!

SIGN UP FOR OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER:  Okay- well maybe we actually send this out about every 2 months ~ but still – you will want to join this! Click HERE to get on board with The Purple Painted Lady’s Monthly Newsletter and get in on the fun.

COVID-19 ……yes, we are here to help supply your paint therapy.

Depending on where you are located on this planet- unless you are hiding under a rock, you have become well versed on COVID-19 . In the midst of the reactions from panic, fear to utter chaos from the shutdowns, cancellations and possible quarantines….planning ahead is always helpful. In my area of western NY, literally, there is no toilet paper available to purchase…… anywhere! None at WalMart, Target, Wegmans, Tops, Lowes, Home Depot, etc….. What is up with buying out cases and cases of toilet paper? It is like people think it is made in China and importing it will stop. I am curious, is this happening in your area too? I find it crazy that it seems like toilet paper is what everyone is buying…versus food, water, or how about cold medicine…..heck, what about Chalk Paint®?

Lucky for me, I have cases of toilet paper leftover from the annual art festival that we host every September……and I have cases of Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan!

So, plan ahead and go visit your local stockist and pick up a can of your favorite color, or try a new color like Oxford Navy or Lem Lem. If you do not have a local stockist and would like to use The Purple Painted Lady as a resource – we are here, fully stocked and ready to support and help you with any questions you might have with a painting project! If you place your order before 3pm Eastern time Monday through Friday, we will pack and get your package out that same day. And depending on where you are located, you should have it within 2 – 3 business days.

So, the moral of this story, is to buy stock in the toilet paper companies, if you see some tp on a shelf at a store, buy it to sell on the black market….and don’t forget to order your Chalk Paint® so while you are home – hopefully waiting out this global issue, you can still be creative and productive!

#chalkpainttherapy #anniesloan #thepurplepaintedlady #dontbeboredifyouarequarantined

Trish Turned the BIG 5.0.

This may be a “TMI” blog post……but I turned 50 a little over a week ago. Yep, I did …and there….. I said it! LOL I think whenever each of us is blessed to graduate from one decade to the next it brings a range of emotion. Hopefully all are good, but for me …there is always a little tinge of a melancholy – emotional farewell.

I remember when I became a teenager…I was sad because it meant I was no longer a “kid.” Here I am today and feel anyone younger than 40 is just a “kid.” I guess it is all in your perspective and I will probably feel anyone who is 50 is just a kid, if I hopefully make it to 70 or 80…or heck….90!

My last year, being 49 was a great year for me in all senses, professionally and personally. I accomplished some very cool goals with my business, managed a bunch of overwhelming tasks that truthfully, I think some would have crumbled under the pressure and personally, focused on my health and close relationships.

My dad passed away from cancer a week and half before my 12th birthday in 1982. He was only 47. He was a wonderful man and every year on my birthday…of course, I think about him. But breaking past the milestone of 47 meant alot to me. But there was something about turning 50 with the goal to have lower cholesterol and blood pressure that was super important to me. Many have never struggled with their health and that is a blessing for them!

For me…it was not quite a straight path but I am really proud to say, that I did it! I saw this sign that says, “Success is never owned. It is only rented, and the rent is due every day.” This is true for all aspects of life or any goal you might have in business, relationships and health. I would like to think I pay a little rent every day with the choices I have made and continue to make and my daily decisions. It is not always easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.

And although this post is not related to paint, or a “how to”….I do feel that “The Purple Painted Lady” is little more than a paint resource to many people and even if we have not met face to face…..we are friends. So, here is just glimpse into one of the millions of thoughts bouncing around in my head at any one minute. LOL

If you are reading this…I just want to thank you for being part of the extended Purple Painted Lady Family!

XO~ Trish, The Purple Painted Lady 💜

Tricia, Kuntz, The Purple Painted Lady

 #proudofmyage #reverseaging #lifeisworthlioving #liveyourbestlife

Napoleonic Blue Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan and Oxford Navy

(all colors used in the recipes are packaged in Litre containers or sample pots as of early 2019)

This is post is dedicated to Sarah Dunlavy who asked if we could show some examples of Napoleonic Blue Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan now….I just wanted to share this photo.

We mixed Napoleonic Blue with Graphite in a few different mix ratios and then we mixed Oxford Navy with Old White……I think my two favorite mixes of all were the mix of:

Napoleonic Blue and Graphite in equal amounts – meaning 1:1

Oxford Navy and Old White in a 4 to 1 mix.


Annie Sloan sells her Chalk Paint® in over 60 countries. At the end of 2018 and into early 2019, in order to get us in line with all of her other countries and her pigments, she took back manufacturing and distribution for Canada and the USA. We were the only countries that had some slight differences in pigments and packaging. Below is a photo showing sample boards of Napoleonic Blue painted from the retired Quart packaging to the now, 2019 and after Litre packaging. NOTE that due to the Global Transitioning of paint- this color has changed!  It is more of a cone flower blue.  It is different than what was ordered in the past. (see image below) Napoleonic Blue is a NOT Navy by itself!    I feel it is more of a cone flower blue….almost with hints of Periwinkle to it!  A deep true blue that is the color of fresh picked blueberries- perfect for creating the Union Jack flag! Napoleonic Blue is inspired by the ultramarine and cobalt blue pigments used for decorative work in everything from neoclassical interiors through to modern 20th-century decoration.  See our video on the shift in color HERE.

 #thepurplepaintedlady#napoleonic #bluechalkpaint #oxfordnavychalkpaint#anniesloan#ilovenavy#rochesterny#macedonny#navypaint#navypaintedfurniture#navycabinets

Painting the Brick Around a Wood Burning Stove with Chalk Paint®️

Chalk Paint®️ by Annie Sloan helped Andrew transform an area of his home that he did not like. He was over the traditional red brick and wanted to lighten up the space so he used Paris Grey Chalk Paint® by Annie Sloan all over and then the color called Pure (white) on random bricks to break up the solid color of Paris Grey. Take a peek at this before and after of the brick surrounding his wood burning stove.

Crazy transformation, huh?


Andrew used swept and vacuumed his brick surround to remove any dust and debris first. Depending on how dirty your brick surround is – will dictate to what degree you will need to clean it. Also, depending on how shiny your bricks are – which means, if they had been sealed prior or if they are a flat, and unsealed….. On shiny bricks, soot will not stain as easily and usually comes off sealed brick with just soap and water. Use caution with using stronger cleaners on sealed brick to avoid stripping off the oil sealer. Brick that has a dull, flat appearance is unsealed brick and that is harder to clean because soot, dirt and grime can penetrate easily into cracks and crevasses.

One suggestion for cleaning bricks, is:
Put 4 cups of hot water in a spray bottle.
Add 1/2 cup of Ammonia and 1/4 cup dishwashing liquid and swirl to mix.
Spray a section of bricks with the cleaning solution.
Scrub each brick with the nylon bristle brush. …
If the bricks are especially dirty, you may need to apply more pressure.

MAKE SURE TO ALLOW FOR A COUPLE DAYS FOR THE WET BRICKS to thoroughly dry if using a cleaning agent.


Andrew used Paris Grey Chalk Paint®️ by Annie Sloan and an Annie Sloan Small Dome Top Paint Brush – and painted all over the brick surround. This paint brush is wonderful for this type of application because the large head of the bristles, are able to work like a mop and really get into the nooks and crannies of the brick and grout lines.

Keep in mind, some brick may be thirstier than others and will really suck up the paint. Depending on how opaque of a look you are going for, you may need more than once coat.

Then, Andrew took his Pure Chalk Paint® and thinned some of it by adding a little water to small amount to thin it and then selectively chose specific bricks to lighten to get more subtle effect. This allowed for the look to be more interesting versus being all Paris Grey.

NO TOP COAT is needed, but if you want to apply a top coat, we strongly suggest that you check with your local fire marshall because every city and state have different restrictions and requirements.

So, what do you think? We love it! And if you want to see more fireplace and mantle transformations. LOOK AT THIS WEB POST HERE! : )
