Hope you will save the date for us! We are hosting our 5th annual Barn Sale Junk Jubilee on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 from 10 – 5pm.

LOCATION: The home of The Purple Painted Lady
845 Yellow Mills Road, Palmyra NY 14522
Because this is our home- this is a non-smoking event.

Come and enjoy a day in the country at this great artsy event. Classic Rock Band, Chicken dinner BBQ from noon till 3pm, Farmer’s Market, Bakers, Wood Craftsmen, Furniture Painters, Handmade Clothing, Wineries, Maple Syrup, Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® Demos, Handmade Goat Milk Soap (meet the goats!), Glass Blowing, Stationary, Metal Art, Free Raffles….You Name it- We Will Have It!
Everyone is welcome to come – NO INVITE necessary- but if you RSVP on are Facebook Event Page you will be kept on announcements: Click HERE to visit the EVENT Page
The Show Goes On…… RAIN OR SHINE!
This event besides being fantastic- is a benefit! The Palmyra-Macedon Rotary, the volunteer Fire Department from South Macedon and the Boy Scouts, Venturing Crew 313 will be just some of the organizations that receive 100% of the money raised.
As for the RAFFLE …..every artist has donated a piece of their work that will be given away. Local Venture Crew 313 is managing the raffle- and they will be hosting a blanket drive for the local food cupboard to provide families in need with sources of warmth and comfort for the upcoming winter. Bring a gently used blanket to the barn sale to donate and get a FREE raffle ticket!! You name it – we will have it!
PRINT THIS FREE RAFFLE TICKET AND BRING WITH YOU …one per customer! (and NOT necessary to enter!)

The Barn Sale & Junk Jubilee will be held on Saturday, September 26th from 10 to 5pm at our home in Macedon on 20 acres with 10 acres dedicated to off road parking. (NO Parking permitted on the street due to safety.)

What’s up with a PARKING FEE?:
We have doubled the parking lot and guarantee solid ground to drive on! Look for the great volunteers from the Palmyra Macedon Rotary who will be directing traffic. (see map below with directions- we are EASY to find!!!) Again- this is a benefit and the parking is $5. 100% OF THAT MONEY goes right back into helping the community, but feel free to drive a bus here and maximize that $5 fee. The Rotary has over 20 volunteers who work ALL day to earn this money and then they turn around and re-invest that in it.
There is a $1 entrance fee to the Barn Sale Junk Jubilee, and again 100% OF THAT MONEY will go the charitable organization which is the volunteer Fire Department from South Macedon.
All 80 vendors will be donating a creation worth $30- and raffles will be held every hour on the hour this year! We will be sharing a FREE printable Raffle Ticket here and on our Facebook page as we get closer to the event.
The Purple Painted Lady will be giving away a quart of Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan and a tin of wax and Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint (alternating) every hour too!~ Look for the “Raffle Booth” which will be located near the entrance to the sale this year! We have the Boy Scouts, Venturing Crew 313 managing the raffle- and all sales from raffle tickets will go directly to their troop.
We will have a chicken dinner barbeque, wineries, a micro-brewery, farmer’s market and an incredible selection of artists joining us to make this day amazing for you!
Again – this event is happening at my home on Saturday, September 26th from 10 to 5 at my HOME – located at 845 Yellow Mills Road, Palmyra NY 14522. See map above.
Just a reminder that everyone get’s ONE FREE raffle ticket and since EVERY artist has donated something – you can inexpensively buy more raffle tickets there too!

We have only about 20 spaces left for our 4th Annual The Purple Painted Lady Barn Sale Junk Jubilee happening on Saturday, September 26th, 2014 from 10 – 5pm. (Set up is the day prior) Our business Facebook page recently hit over 15,000 followers. This event will be advertised in the messenger post papers, 585 magazine, Rochester Woman magazine and all of the news channels and D&C. We are looking for unique artists (no catalog/distribution businesses and we are closed out for jewelry artists.) If you are interested- there is a $40 vendor fee and you receive a 10 X 10 outdoor space. You supply your own tent/tables/and whatever else you need. Think “Fairport Canal Days.” We average over 4000 people in a 7 hour period. Please contact Trish at takuntz@rochester.rr.com. Title your email “I want to be a 2014 Barn Sale Vendor”…and in the body of the email, include:
* Your full name, address, and phone
* Business name (if you have one)
* Description of what you make and plan to sell
* A photo or two of your items
* Do you have a Business Facebook page or website? Please provide that.
Thanks so much!