Dark Wax Tips and Tricks (How To Use Dark Wax Suggestions) BELOW:
The Purple Painted Lady is hosting a GIVE-A-WAY on our Facebook page (CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE FACEBOOK PAGE) of Dark Bristled Petite Wax Brushes (on the right in photo!!!)

TEN…YES, TEN LUCKY people will be randomly chosen on Sunday, June 21st, 2015 at 9 am Eastern Time!
Just LIKE my Facebook page and the give-a-way post!
And feel free to leave a helpful tip or comment regarding using Dark Wax. Anything that can help a fellow user would be appreciated!
Okay- I am guessing you are reading this post because you want to use dark wax. However, do you need to use the dark wax? Of course not! That is like saying you MUST have ketchup with your fries or sugar in your tea. But, if you do use dark wax…..you REALLY want to have a clear wax base BEFORE applied prior to the dark wax since it:
1. Allows the dark wax to move easier
2. Prevents the stain in the dark wax from penetrating and staining the paint directly
3. Having a clear wax base allows you to remove the dark wax on top or lighten it, if needed. (read on for more information)
As for the dark bristles, no more will you accidentally pick up the wrong brush to apply your dark wax with! Same texture of bristle, same quality – just dark hairs! Same size as the white hair petite brush that we have carried for the last 5 years!
Some TIPS for applying DARK WAX:
1. I always recommend having a clear wax application on your piece prior (there are some exceptions)
2. Try mixing the dark with clear wax together to lighten it up and make it more”spreadable.”
3. Try making the dark wax into a “glaze” by adding some Mineral Spirits. The amount of MS depends on the end result you want, but do not mix more than one to one.
4. As long as that clear wax base is there- if you put on too much dark wax- use some clear wax on a rag to work like an eraser.
5. Remember, once you have dark wax on…..if you apply more clear wax on top of it- it can lift some of the stain and change or RUIN what you just created and love.
6. Don’t leave the dark wax gummy or tacky on the flat surfaces since it will take FOREVER to set and cure. It is OK to leave it thicker in the crevices of grooves!
7. Experiment with it! You do not need to slather it every where initially.
8. Try applying a little dark wax strategically in corners or seams of door panels and use a rag to help soften/feather out the look. It can take some experience to manipulate on large pieces- like the side of a tall hutch – so, start off small and build your confidence.
9. Dark wax looks best when it has something to grip to. Especially on large, flat surfaces it can be intimidating like I mentioned above. So, at the very beginning of your project- use your paint brush and create a little texture with your Chalk Paint® – so when it dries, the dark wax has something to grip to.

10. Here is another great tip from => My tip: if you only want the dark wax to to go into the small crevices, like the edges of a cabinet door, use a small artists paint brush to control the amount of wax that goes in the crevice if you do not want to darken the surrounding paint color. It helps those edges pop!
11. Here is another great tip from => I love mixing with mineral spirits. Also buffing with steel wool will take some off if there’s too much and shine your piece up well. I love how smooth and finished wax makes a piece!
12. Here is another great tip from =>Always have two wax brushes, one for clear, one for dark!
13. Here is another great tip from => Have patience with dark wax. Step back and take a deep breath before panicking. (The Purple Painted Lady recommends a glass of wine prior to using too)
14. Here is another great tip from => Start small…just a bit of dark wax – you can always add more and said, => My tip: Less is more
15. Here is another great tip from => Have a wiping rag ready. If you aren’t sure how much “dark” you want wipe on the dark and wipe off. You can always add more but being ready to remove will give you a feel for how much you want.
Read more about using dark wax HERE.
If you are interested in staying touch with The Purple Painted Lady- visit our Facebook page HERE – we would LOVE to hear from you and see your before & after photos!
As for buying any of the products we mentioned earlier in this post- I hope that you select The Purple Painted Lady™ to be your one stop resource! We have two locations in western NY. Check out our Information tab and come and meet us! Otherwise- if you are not located near me- the following information may apply to you. This information is directed to those who do NOT have a local stockist. Because if you do – go and meet them, shop from them and build a relationship with them. The guidance, information and knowledge they share with you – will be invaluable. But, if you are in a location where there is no one selling paint products- and you must buy on-line- consider us. With that said, visit www.anniesloan.com to find a stockist near you.
We are here to help you, our customers! We want you to be successful! And, just so you know, when you place an order with The Purple Painted Lady:
* We sell Chalk Paint® for $34.95
* If you order before 3 pm EASTERN TIME any day Monday thru Friday – we will ship out your package that SAME day.
* We ship orders out every since week day all over the US.
* We offer the lowest flat rate UPS shipping cost so if you are one town away or 10 states away- the shipping cost is the same.
* We have awesome follow up customer service, too!
And- it is my paint sales that keep me in business and allow me to be here to help you. (my shameless but honest plug) Here is a link to our on-line shop=>
: ) And I will be here to help you as you progress through your future project! And if I do say so myself- we offer the BEST customer service that you will ever experience!Lastly- if I was helpful to you- ….please consider leaving a positive review on my Facebook business page sharing your positive experience or thoughts about The Purple Painted Lady. Here is a link to my Facebook page=>
http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Purple-Painted-Lady/291882785710 This really helps me! (wink, wink!)
The Purple Painted Lady™ ~ the serial no. is 86/641,416 with the US Trademark Office
VISIT our locations too!
our MAIN STORE at 77 West Main Street in Macedon, NY 14502

3200 West Ridge Road in Rochester, NY 14626 (The Shops On West Ridge)